“Success means giving back”: Georgi Kostadinov, CTO of Kelvin Health, on how sharing knowledge impacts the community

We present to you the next part of our series “Success means giving back”. It is dedicated to supporting BIH’s cause of spreading the word about the great ecosystem of organizations with lots of potential in Bulgaria. With the publications we try to highlight the importance of giving back to the community with some of the IT leaders in Bulgaria and companies that help building a sustainable future and drive economic growth.

Our next guest is Georgi Kostadinov, Co-founder and CTO of Kelvin Health. The company is dedicated to developing digital solutions that allow for remote disease screening. Kelvin Health uses a mobile thermal imaging camera that captures the heat of the body, segments the thermal image, and applies artificial intelligence to detect anomalies related to vascular conditions. Why is sharing knowledge important for him? How does BIH support the growth of the local ecosystem? This and many more, Georgi shares here: 

Q: There are a lot of companies that have a great mission or an innovative idea, but most of the time, that is not enough to succeed. What else does a startup need to be successful? Is there a perfect formula for success?

A: For me, having a strong team of professionals is the most important thing to make a company successful. This team of top talent has to share some similar values, everyone should be focused on a common vision, and be determined to do whatever is needed. This is the perfect formula for us at Kelvin Health. We believe that this is the best way to overcome and hustle through many types of struggles.

Q: Building a community of tech leaders in SEE is very important for the development of the whole ecosystem. What is the best way of doing that?

A: I think the main factor for building a strong community is honest human relationships. For one to be successful, it requires open communication, consistency and persistence in investing time and resources, building resilience upon challenges and through hard times.

Q: How important is it for you to give back to the community - sharing knowledge, sharing experience, donating?

A: It is very important for me to be able to give back, as it is a crucial factor in making a sustainable community and ecosystem. Sharing knowledge, experience, challenges, and mentoring the inexperienced is essential. In this way, we shape the future of the ecosystem that we are all part of. I think the lack of these actions can only hurt the ecosystem and has a direct impact on everyone involved in it.

Q: What is the impact of donating to an organization like BIH in your opinion?

A: Supporting organizations like BIH is a very beneficial step forward toward creating an ecosystem of like-minded people that nurture innovation and push the boundaries of what is possible.  

Q: Why did you choose to support Bulgarian Innovation Hub’s mission of helping Bulgarian startups in scaling in the USA?

A: I decided to support BIH because it opens the doors for future expansion to the US of SEE-based startups. And that is very important because the USA is currently accounting for almost 50% of all venture capital investments worldwide. Scaling a company there is a crucial trigger for massive growth, especially for startups in deep tech industries like ours - Kelvin Health and Imagga. And what better way to do it than via the Bulgarian diaspora in the US represented by BIH!

Pavlina Yanakieva